Emerian Rich, author of Dusk's Warriors Baby Steps for New Authors I’ve spoken to hundreds of authors over the years... new, old, mid-career, famous, struggling, you name it. One thing we all have in common is that we were all once where you are. We know how it feels to submit your first work and wait with high hopes by the mailbox (or email inbox) for that special editor’s reply. We know about declines and how sometimes they seem so crippling, you don’t even want to continue. The other link that many new writers have is they are timid and shy about their careers and marketing the “way the pros do it”. Well here are some Baby Steps to get you started. 1. Convince yourself you are an important writer and have something valid to say. Once you’ve accepted your fate as a writer and know you have no choice but to follow your dreams, it will be easier to chip away at making those dreams a reality. 2. Start a List. Lists are your best friend for brainstorming pro...
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