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The Problem With Witnessing

I was reading a Reddit post on r/atheism  just a moment ago that piqued my interest. A mental health counselor was disturbed by their colleague's attitude toward proselytizing in the field. One of their colleagues spoke up during a Zoom training that it frustrated her that others in the field were "witnessing" to their clients, and that it was unprofessional. While the OP agreed with the complaining coworker, the others did not. In fact, they got down right defensive. Of course, OP lives in Tennessee, Bible Belt Central, so, no big surprise there. I live in Southern Louisiana which is not better when it comes to keeping your faith and other hot-topic opinions to yourself. It reminded me about the time my last shrink told me in not so many words that my mental health would benefit from a relationship with the Big G. I, of course, dropped her like a hot potato the second I left her office. And this got me thinking about the problem with witnessing. I'm an agnostic leani...
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