I've seen the trailer for Sucker Punch , a movie that seems to be part Alice In Wonderland (not that CGI monstrosity ), part Lemony Snicket , and part 9 . Looks interesting, at any rate. Insane asylums, kick ass hallucinations, and the ever present threat of lobotomy. What more can a girl ask for? Zombies, of course, but I'm still waiting for Max Brook's World War Z to come out. How much longer do I have to wait, Max? How much longer??? 11/22/12: Yeah, Sucker Punch sucked balls. I realize this is a little late in the game, but nobody reads this thing anyway. And World War Z still isn't out yet! How is that fair?!?! The Sucker Punch soundtrack. Just about the only good thing to come out of this movie. 
Chock full of ranty goodness!