After months of waiting and whining and praying to the literary gods for just one damn review, anything please dear lord, whatever it takes...I get EXACTLY what I wished for. I'm Agnostic. I really should have known better: Needs a proofreader , April 24, 2013 By Cheryl G Has the author no experience in the correct use of words? Mercy Bound is a relatively interesting book but the reader is brought up short time and time again by the misuse of words in almost every chapter. High heals instead of highheels. Dieing instead of dying. Affect and Effect. Their instead of they're. These are only four of the MANY misusages in this book. I am almost convinced that so many errors in the use of words must be intentional. Certainly spellcheck would have caught some of the errors. Theses instead of These. The story suffered from the constant "whoa" factor when such mistakes stopped the reader from continuing to digest the story line and that made it ...
Chock full of ranty goodness!