I had an interesting conversation with my cousin on Facebook last week regarding the hoopla over the supreme court ruling on gay marriage . I've come to discover the woman is a bit of a religious nut. I can't really throw stones here since I grew up Assembly of God and was a bit of a bible thumper myself back in the day. I'm Agnostic now, mostly because whenever I asked important questions like, "But why is it wrong to be a homosexual?" the answer was usually an unsatisfactory, "Because the bible tells me so," type deal. This would lead to a rousing game of circular logic starting with me asking, "Yeah, but why?" with the previous answer being repeated over and over again. My misspent holy-rolling, grain of doubt youth came flashing back to me after my cousin posted this as her status: Wow unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! ...
Chock full of ranty goodness!