I'm the type of person that will yell at a book when the characters do something stupid (i.e. searching a suspect's house without a warrant), but will give TV characters a free pass. This is because I consider most TV shows to be nothing more than brain candy-not intellectually nutritious and hard to stop consuming once I start. There are some exceptions to this rule , but for the most part, TV Time is Veg Time. Which is why I'll probably continue to keep watching Forever on ABC . Its premise is about an immortal medical examiner (not a vampire, for a change) looking for a way to die without ending up waking up in the nearest body of water. Naked. After watching the pilot, I have to agree with most critics that there isn't anything in the show that breaks new ground, but it's entertaining, so I'll probably give it a chance. The show's writers need a lesson in research and common sense, however. There were one or two times when characters put themselves...
Chock full of ranty goodness!